
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SPROUT into Life

SPROUTING ... easily making and eating fresh, enzyme & nutrient rich food that can be so versatile.

Nutritious - seeds are packed with nutrients, SPROUTED seeds are even better!! During the sprouting process, present proteins, enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients increase whilst becoming more bio-available. At the same time toxins and enzyme inhibitors are reduced, increasing digestibility.


- Seeds of choice (ie. mung bean, chick peas, lentils, fenugreek, alfalfa)
- Jar with cheese cloth & elastic band
- Water
- A minute of your time, daily for a span of a week

Day 1
- Put a handful of the seeds (mix of seeds can be used) in a jar.
- Fill Jar 3/4 way with water submerging seeds.
- cover with Cheese cloth & secure with elastic
- Soak for 24 hours
Day 2
- Drain seeds of water (this is where the cheese cloth is handy) & Rinse well
- Keep seeds drained of water
- Rest jar on it's side (avoid placing near stove or hot areas)
Day 3
- Rinse well, Drain and Rest jar on it's side
Day 4 & 5 & maybe 6
- Same process as day 3..
- You should start noticing the seeds sprout by now.
- Once fully sprouted (should take 6 days), you can place jar in fridge

Take note.. you can munch on these seeds at any time, even if they haven't fully sprouted.

- snacking
- adding to sandwiches
- sprinkling on salads
- make Humus out of sprouted chickpeas
- substitute beans in your recipes with the 'sprouted' form of the bean
- the options are endless!!!

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