
Friday, November 04, 2011

Feed me the food groups

- Avocado and Green mango salad
- Homemade chips
- Ground beef and crab

Avocado and Green mango salad
Base Ingredients:
1 Avocado sliced or cubed
1 or 2 Green mangos juliened or cubed
1 tsp chopped green or red onions
1 tsp cilantro
1/2 tsp finely chopped hot pepper

(addition - i didn't do) - 1/2 tsp lemongrass


juice of half a lemon
half a garlic clove smashed
pinch of salt

for spice health benefits i add:
1/4 tsp cayenne
1/4 tsp cumin

Cut & Mix the veggie ingredients together and on the side mix the dressing ingredients together. Pour dressing over salad & Toss gently so as not to mush the avocados.

top with toasted cashews


  1. Dareen! Can you share the recipe of the Avocado and Green Mango Salad please....It looks delicious! + I have an obsession with Avocados :), so I'd like to give it a try!

    Thank you!

  2. Hi Dana, I've edited the post with the recipe of the Avocado & Green Mango Salad. I'm also an avocado lover... and I hope you enjoy this dish!!.
