
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Turmeric Infused Olive Oil & Kalunji Oil

My mini jar of Turmeric and Kalunji oil, that I happened to find in Dubai, is running out on me. Luckily, I came across Fresh Turmeric Root today at an Indian Market. You should have seen the excitement on my face. Without hesitation, I bought a pound or two of it. Just as I do with ginger, I put the roots in the freezer, so as to prevent them from molding.

Prior to putting them in the freezer, I grated a couple of roots into a jar (grated about 2 tablespoons of the turmeric.) Filled the jar with Olive oil, and added a couple teaspoons of Kalunji (Black seed/Nigella) Oil. 

I Finally have my own Homemade Turmeric Infused Oil with Kalunji - Time to Heal!!

Now I use this oil instead of plain old Olive oil. It has the benefits of all three plants.
- Olive - Turmeric - Kalunji - 

Turmeric: A whole body cleanser, Anti-inflammatory, Liver enhancing, Aid in detoxification, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Immune Boosting, and rich in antioxidants that aid in the body’s fight against cancer, heart failure, cataracts, dementia and ulcers. (to name a few)

  • I've attempted to eat the root raw, and i can handle the taste - will attempt to use it for flavouring just as I use raw ginger.

Turmeric (& Kolongi) Oil
  • During a trip to Dubai and visiting the "Souk" flea market, I came across many vendors who carried spices & herbs. I was in Wonderland!!  that's where I came across an infused oil with turmeric and kolongi. 
  • it's a topical application and It's a healer.  My cuts healed in half the time they usually did. Baby diaper rashes that wouldn't heal because of constant moisture from the diaper, were reduced in size and severity with this oil. I've used it on some rashes as well, with outstanding results. 
  • This oil also contained Kolongi - a seed mentioned in the Quran as being "A healer of everything except death"


  1. You neglected to say how big the jar was.

    1. Sai Das, you are right. Thank you for pointing that out. In fact it was a small jar, about 50ml in size

  2. I really like your post about having the raw turmeric mix with olive oil and black seed oil, but my question is can i eat it or use it in salads? Also can i refrigerate? Any advice will be very helpful and appreciated.

    1. Hi Lupita!!! Really glad you like the post!! I hope it helps you lead a healthier life. To answer your question, you can definitely eat it, as long as the kolongi oil you get is also edible. Make sure you aren't buying an "essential oil" of kolongi, because that is very concentrated and is not recommended for consumption. You can find kolongi oil that is edible in many Indian supermarkets (either pressed or infused). In regards to the other ingredients (turmeric and olive oil) these are both edible and hence can be eaten. If you can't find kolongi oil you can simply make the turmeric infused olive oil. I add it to many of my foods. I use it in salad dressings, I add it to some of my sandwiches, I even use it on my lips when they are dry, the options are endless. Lastly, yes you can refrigerate it, it may even last longer if you do; however, don't be alarmed if the olive oil mixture looks like it has crystallized or looks frozen, this is just because olive oil has a high freezing point, meaning that just a little bit of cold temperatures can assist it in going to a more solid state than liquid state. Once you take the oil out of the fridge and leave it at room temperature for a few minutes it will go back to its original state. Hope I was able to help with your question and if you have any more questions, I would love to hear them. Stay healthy!!!

  3. Hi Lupita!!! Really glad you like the post!! I hope it helps you lead a healthier life. To answer your question, you can definitely eat it, as long as the kolongi oil you get is also edible. Make sure you aren't buying an "essential oil" of kolongi, because that is very concentrated and is not recommended for consumption. You can find kolongi oil that is edible in many Indian supermarkets (either pressed or infused). In regards to the other ingredients (turmeric and olive oil) these are both edible and hence can be eaten. If you can't find kolongi oil you can simply make the turmeric infused olive oil. I add it to many of my foods. I use it in salad dressings, I add it to some of my sandwiches, I even use it on my lips when they are dry, the options are endless. Lastly, yes you can refrigerate it, it may even last longer if you do; however, don't be alarmed if the olive oil mixture looks like it has crystallized or looks frozen, this is just because olive oil has a high freezing point, meaning that just a little bit of cold temperatures can assist it in going to a more solid state than liquid state. Once you take the oil out of the fridge and leave it at room temperature for a few minutes it will go back to its original state. Hope I was able to help with your question and if you have any more questions, I would love to hear them. Stay healthy!!!

  4. Wow .. I was just searching how to infuse turmeric and tada here I am, thank You for sharing this btw I am from Dubai, and I have never visited the souk bet now I will.

    1. Hi Mary, So glad I could be of help to you. I lived in Dubai for 2 years and the souk is magnificent if you are into herbs and spices especially to make remedies like this. You will definitely find a lot of Turmeric there both ground turmeric and even dried whole turmeric.

      And this isn't limited to just applying to wounds. You can even make turmeric infused oil and use it as a base for salad dressings or mix it with balsamic vinegar and some herbs and use it as a dip for bread. The uses are endless - just by using some imagination.
