
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spicy in the Bedroom – 9 ways to make your Valentine wanting more

It’s just around the corner, that day where you express your undying love to the most special person in your life.  Roses and chocolates are the staple, but how about this Valentines Day you spice things up. What better way than with spices!!

Time for some Libido Talk… Aphrodisiac spices should be the next staple for special passion filled day.

Ginseng – not only known as a perfect energy booster, this root can help increase arousal for both men and woman. Drop the Viagra, because even the worst male erectile dysfunction can be fixed with Ginseng. Your body will love you, and so will your partners’ body!

Nutmeg – It has been shown that compounds in nutmeg may stimulate the nervous system. More sensations of pleasure, means more sexual activity. Great ways to spice up your night. Let the nutmeg begin the stimulation, and leave the rest to your partner!

Fenugreek seeds – for all you men out there, this spice is for you. Fenugreek contains saponins that play a major role in increasing the production of testosterone, a male hormone that causes a raise in male libido. Time to please your loved one, first stop Kitchen, next stop… bedroom!!

Cardamom – almost every couple who complain about lack of sexual interactions blame it on their energy levels. “I’m too tired baby, I need sleep”. Leave the exhaustion out of the bedroom with Cardamom seeds. This spice increases energy and relieves fatigue. Let the love making process go on!

Cloves – Passion, love, hotness… they all exude a form of heat. Get your body going by helping to heat it up. Cloves is a warming spice with an exceptional aroma, that will improve sexual behavior and raise the hotness quotient in your body.. and in the bedroom!!

Fennel seed – woman, don’t fret, men may have the fenugreek seed on their side for libido, but you’re in luck too. Fennel seeds contain estrogen-like substances that turn on that libido. Follow your man into the kitchen and raid that spice cabinet, before you rush into the bedroom.

Saffron – this has got to be the most expensive spice for a reason. It could be because of its fiery orange-red passionate color, or perhaps because it’s great at improving sexual function, arousal and even lubrication. No need to visit the Adult shop this valentines day, just raid your spice cabinet.              

Ginger – This G spice does wonders to the G-spot. It inceases sex drive and stimulates sexual performance.

Garlic – maybe not entirely recommended due to the aroma it leaves behind, but this spice eaten with green chilies is an old tried & tested way of enjoying sex for long periods. Crushed and fried in butter, this mix can leave you wanting more. May your night be long, pleasant, and full of passionate love.

This Valentine's Day, start your day in the kitchen by attacking the spice cabinet 
Then you can end the day with lustful spicy passion in the bedroom.